Things of Pinterest: Homemade Popsicles - Dorky Doodles

Things of Pinterest: Homemade Popsicles

This week Pinterest has been inspiring me to make popsicles.  Oh sweet popsicle love.  Here are my favorite homemade popsicle pins:
Because Somoa's are EVERYONE'S favorite Girl Scout cookie (that's a proven fact, don't fight it, they're undeniably delicious).
Long name, super amazing taste.  Plus they just look pretty.
Not just strawberry and banana, there are other healthy things mixed in.  Because what better way to trick your kids into eating spinach than freezing it and calling it banana flavored?
This kind is made out of different juices.  YUM-O.  Pick your flavors and combos.  Endless possibilities with this one really.

If those pictures didn't make you hungry for something frozen, I really don't know what will.  Check out our Pinterest pinboards to see more of our favorite things!

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