Funny Food Labels for Cinco de Mayo

Cinco de Mayo food label printable

Are you planning a Cinco de Mayo celebration?  Or just a night where you're serving some delish Mexican food?  Because these funny food labels will make your party about 4 billion times better!  Not only do they label what foods are, but they do it in a punny and chuckle-worthy way!

These labels are easy to download and use.  Just right click on the image below and select print or save from the menu that pops up.  Print them on white cardstock, cut around each card, and fold them in half.  Then all you need to do is set them by the container holding the appropriate food.  Easy, fun, and festive!

funny Mexican food label printables



If you like the clipart featured on these labels you will absolutely love our Fiesta Time Clipart set in the shop!

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