Giant Finger Puppet Turkeys - Free Printable!

turkey finger puppet free printable


Make a giant finger puppet turkey with your kids this Thanksgiving!  They're lots of fun to make for kids of any ages (even really old your husband).  And they come with different accessories so everyone ends up with a turkey unique to them!

Right click on the images below to get the free printables.  (All the instructions are on the pages, but I'll also include them in this post.)

thanksgiving turkey printable

finger puppet turkey coloring page


The first thing you want to do is print both pages on white cardstock.  Regular paper is too wimpy to hold these giant turkeys up, so cardstock is definitely the way to go!

Then have your kids color all the pieces of the turkey they want to use!  The body/head and tail pieces are required but they get to decorate each turkey feather however they want!  The other pieces don't need to be colored unless they want them on their finished puppets.



After the pieces have been colored cut them out.  Make sure to help smaller kids cut out the finger holes.  (The sunglasses can be regular glasses if you'd like to cut out the centers.)



Now all that's left is gluing the accessories to each turkey!  Glue sticks work great for this (because then you don't have to be so patient in waiting for any kind of liquid glue to dry).



We had a little bit of a drooping problem so I taped a toothpick to the backside to help hold up the turkeys while the kids played with them.  It's not necessary though.




If you liked this Thanksgiving craft you should check out our Thanksgiving Dotted Pinhole Templates in the shop!


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