School Planner Printable - Dorky Doodles

School Planner Printable

school planner printable

I have two kids out of elementary school now and I can't keep their schedules and homework straight.  Once you throw in their elementary school siblings, and the toddler, my brain is just FRIED.  (Let's be honest, my brain actually burnt out quite awhile ago).  And besides, they're old enough to start being responsible for their own classes and homework, right? 

Except they have no idea how.  I blame myself, because I am not a paragon of structure and organization (I'm more of an impulsive explosion of craziness...with structure forced upon it...if that's a thing?)

So I've created this planning printable to help my own kids keep track of their class schedules, which days they'll be taking a lunch from home, record reading minutes, list and check off weekly homework and studying, any afterschool activities, and a place for notes.  I'm hoping it covers everything.  I guess we'll find out.  

If you'd like to have your student give it a try, well, then here you go - free printable.  With a pumpkin and a car, because you know I can't make things without throwing clipart on them.

To get this free school planner printable just right click on the image below and select print or save from the menu that pops up.

class schedule and homework planner


And if you're more interested in just the pumpkin and car, check out this Pumpkin Vehicle Clipart set in our shop!

pumpkin clipart

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