Summer Reading Bucket List Printable - Dorky Doodles

Summer Reading Bucket List Printable

summer reading list printable

Make a list of all the books you'd like to read this summer with this free printable Summer Reading Bucket List.  Because whether you're into romance, sci-fi, or history, lounging in the sun just isn't the same without a good book!  Print one for you kids too, so they can begin a natural love of summer reading too.

It's easy to use this free printable - just right click on the image below and select print or save from the menu that pops up.  You can print this on white cardstock if you want, but it's good on regular paper too.  Keep it in your planner, journal, or folded up and stuck in the middle of a book like a bookmark!

summer reading list printable


And if you like the little bird on this printable and want to see more like him, check out our Reading Animals Clipart in the shop!

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