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The Blog — motivational monday

Motivational Monday - Go Big, Not Home

Melissa Bastow

Tags motivational monday

Motivational Monday - Go Big, Not Home

You know the saying "go big or go home"?  This is so much better, "Go big.  Home is boring."  And if you need a bit more motivation than that just pretend like your internet is out at home, so you might as well "go big" in whatever it is you're trying to do. Share this with your friends and remind them to put in a dinosaur amount of effort in their goals and dreams.

Motivational Monday - Stars Can't Shine without Darkness

Melissa Bastow

Tags motivational monday

I love this because I think the stars are beautiful and magical, and we'd never be able to see them without darkness (which is something I really don't like).  So if you're having a bad day just remember, you can still shine! Share this with your friends, co-workers, enemies, random strangers, pets, whoever really.  No matter who it is, they probably need to be reminded to shine in the darkness too.

Motivational Monday: Positive Thoughts Equal a Positive Life

Melissa Bastow

Tags motivational monday

Sometimes it's hard to believe it, but our thoughts have a lot of power.  We can change our entire lives just by having positive thoughts.  Not because our situation or circumstances change, but because we change the way we see life.  It's pretty incredible. Share the positivity with your friends, or print this out and keep it nearby as a reminder to always stay positive.  

Motivational Monday: Wherever You Go

Melissa Bastow

Tags motivational monday

Motivational Monday: Wherever You Go

Sometimes, especially on Mondays, I just want to go back to bed and wholeheartedly take a nap.  And on other days adventure is waiting.  "Wherever you go, go with all your heart" - don't forget to take that heart of yours on naps and adventures. Share this motivation online or print it out and put it somewhere nearby so you'll always remember to take your heart for a walk.

Motivational Monday: Work for a Cause

Melissa Bastow

Tags motivational monday

Motivational Monday: Work for a Cause

Hard Work has it's own rewards and doesn't always need to be shown extra attention (however it's perfectly ok to give yourself a private standing ovation any time).  That's what this week's motivational quote is "Work for a cause not for applause". Share this image or print it and display it in your work space, home, or workout area.