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Motivational Quotes - Success Comes in Cans

Melissa Bastow

Tags motivational monday, planners

Motivational Quotes - Success Comes in Cans

"Success comes in cans, failure in can'ts".  I really like this motivational quote because we have a particular problem at our house where if someone says "I can't do it!" then they think they get out of trying.  Because of course they'll fail if they think they can't do something - they haven't even attempted to succeed!  Whereas, if you always think you can do it, and then you end up failing anyway, you get to tell yourself, "Well, I can definitely try again!" Feel free to share this with friends and family on social media.  Or print it and...

Motivational Quotes - Motivation Doesn't Last

Melissa Bastow

Tags motivational monday, planners

Motivational Quotes - Motivation Doesn't Last

This motivational quote by Zig Zigler is the best- "People often say that motivation doesn't last.  Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily."  If you think that sticking with the same mode of motivation will get you through your entire life, you're probably wrong....or really obsessive.  For more of us, we need to get our motivation in different forms at different times to keep us working towards our goals.  So keep looking for what drives you, and keep moving forward! Feel free to share this online, or with your friends and family.  You can print it...

Babysitter Information Printable

Melissa Bastow

Tags planners, printables

Babysitter Information Printable

Your babysitter will be fully prepped with this all of the information on this free printable!  With routines, emergency contact information, food suggestions, and more this is a surefire way to make sure your sitter has all the information they need to be successful.  And confidence in the sitter will let you be able to relax away from the kids and enjoy your time out! To get this free printable information sheet just right click on the image below and select print or save from the menu that pops up.  You can print one for each time you go out, or...

Motivational Quotes - Make the Best of Everything

Melissa Bastow

Tags motivational monday, planners

"The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything."  I love that!  Having all the best stuff can't make a person happy if they have the wrong attitude.  The happiest people really are the ones that take what they have and make the most of it. You can share this on social media if you'd like.  Or print it out to keep nearby as motivation to make the best of what you have.  You can even print it smaller on sticker paper and throw it in your planner. And if you like the cute...

Motivational Quotes - If You Hit the Target

Melissa Bastow

Tags motivational monday, planners

Motivational Quotes - If You Hit the Target

This is an excellent motivational quote by Tom HIrschfield "If you hit the target every time, it's too near or too big".  Because not everything you try will succeed.  Not every tactic you take will be correct.  Not every second you put into something will pay off.  And if they are, maybe it's time to reach a little further. You can share this online, in person, or print it on sticker paper and throw it in your planner.  And if you like the cute little lemonade on this, you'll love our Funny Summer Clipart Set in the shop!