What Lies Within Us - Motivational Quote

motivational quote to rise up to your potential

This quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson is perfect, "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us".  Sometimes we're so caught up in the past that we're blind to our own potential, sometimes it feels like we'll never achieve what we want, and sometimes it just seems a whole lot easier to quit.  But everyone has awesome amazingness just waiting to be released and achieved.  Don't pay attention to what happened in the past, or the obstacles to overcome, focus on what you want and go get it!

Feel free to share this with family and friends on social media, or print it out and keep it nearby to remind yourself to reach that amazing potential inside of you!

And if you like the little hero bird used on this, you'll love the whole set of Super Hero Animal Clipart!

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