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St Patrick's Day Printable Mazes

Melissa Bastow

Tags educational fun, St Patricks

St Patrick's Day Printable Mazes

These St Patrick's Day printable mazes are a great way for your child or student to practice their writing control and problem solving skills.  The mazes are pretty simple, so they're fun for early learners.  And the ability to navigate a pencil through the maze is great practice for later when they're writing letters and numbers. These mazes feature cute St Patrick's day animals and can be colored after the maze is complete! To download the free printables, just right click on the images below and select save or print.   You can get a set of 10 printable mazes...

Easter Chicks Planner Stickers Freebie

Melissa Bastow

Tags Easter, planners

These Easter chick planner stickers are ready for fun!  They'll make your planner super colorful and festive for the week of Easter (or before, or after - they're not picky).  Plus they'll help you stay organized and functioning! These stickers are just a sampling of the Easter Chicks Planner Stickers Printable in our shop.  If you like the freebie, you should try the whole set.  Or you can get the printed and cut version from Planner Kate. To get this freebie just right click on the image below and hit save or print.   If you love these stickers and want...

St. Patrick's Day Cupcake Wrapper Printable

Melissa Bastow

Tags printables, St Patricks

St. Patrick's Day Cupcake Wrapper Printable

These St. Patrick's Day printable cupcake wrappers will make any cupcake wear green.  They're super easy to print and put together, but they'll make everything think you went to a lot of effort (printables are just awesome that way).  And everyone is going to love this bowtie wearing t-rex. To make these cupcake wrappers all you have to do is download our printable, print on white cardstock, and cut apart the wrappers.  Adhere the inside of the wrapper, and stick it over any kind of cupcake or muffin.  And THAT'S IT.  So so easy.  (We're all about easy here.) Note:...

Motivational Monday: Do it Now

Melissa Bastow

Tags motivational monday

Motivational Monday: Do it Now

Procrastination is my sidekick.  An unwanted sidekick, but he's there none the less.  And sometimes I just have to push him aside to accomplish things NOW.  Because this saying is true, and sometimes my sidekick makes "later" turn into "never".  Super powers of laziness... Feel free to share this with anyone you know who also deals with a procrastination sidekick.

Jolly Rancher Shamrock Cookie Recipe

Melissa Bastow

Tags recipes, snacks, St Patricks

Jolly Rancher Shamrock Cookie Recipe

These Jolly Rancher shamrock cookies are easy, yummy, and SO cute!!  They make great treats for your family, for St. Patrick's Day classroom parties, or for whenever you're craving some sugary goodness. This is what you're going to need:  1 ¼ Cup Flour ¾ Cup Sugar ½ Stick Unsalted Butter 1 Egg ½ teas. Baking Powder ½ teas. Salt ½ teas. Vanilla Green Jolly Ranchers Shamrock Cookie Cutter (1.5 inches) Round Cookie Cutter (2.5 inches)  Directions: Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. In a medium size bowl, beat butter and sugar with mixer then add egg and vanilla. Mix until fluffy....