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Things of Pinterest: Dessert

Melissa Bastow

Tags inspiration, recipes

Things of Pinterest: Dessert

I'm trying to force myself to be on a diet.  Pretty much, I'm starving.  So what else would pinterest tempt with than super delicious looking desserts?  It's torture, I tell you, TORTURE. Pina colada cake?  Yes, please.  I think I'm getting fatter just looking at this picture.  You will need to use a translating program to get this recipe in English (unless you can read recipes in Polish, in which case good for you!)  Dear no bake peanut butter chocolate bars, why oh why can't you be low fat, low calorie, sugar free, and still delicious?  WHY?!

Things of Pinterest: Red, White, and Blue

Melissa Bastow

Tags inspiration

Things of Pinterest: Red, White, and Blue

If you haven't gotten enough red, white, and blue from us yet this week, well, HERE YOU GO.  These are my fave pinteresting things in those colors: Super cute country garden party.  (Seriously - super cute.  Go check out the rest of their pictures.) I love this nursery.  It's mellow and comfy and, you know, patriotic and stuff. Pinwheels are waaaaay fun.  They really really are.  I'm pretty sure a person is never too old to have fun with a pinwheel. Even nature likes red, white, and blue.  Awesome. This is my absolute favorite.  Because...

Things of Pinterest: the Pillowcase Dress

Melissa Bastow

Tags inspiration, tutorials

Things of Pinterest: the Pillowcase Dress

When I was a kid my mom made sure I knew how to sew.  I was actually pretty good at it, but it's a skill that sits dormant in my life for lots of reasons.  Yet every once in awhile I feel a sewing itch - kind of like when you're wearing a wool sweater and you just have to rip it off and run through a raspberry patch naked to satisfy the tremendous need to scratch.  Except maybe not quite so dramatic. Lately I don't have time to sew anything major, so I decided that it would be fun to make...

Things of Pinterest: Sock Animals

Melissa Bastow

Tags inspiration, tutorials

Things of Pinterest: Sock Animals

I've made things out of socks before, like elephants and cats and pigs and stuff.  And now you all know how to make a beanbag sock octopus, but what other sock animals are out there?  This is what Pinterest had to show me about it: This is a sock bunny rattle.  And it has a little jingle bell in it.  And it has no buttons or anything so your baby can suck on it all they want and not even choke to death. This horse is so little and cute I just want to squish it!  A sock...

Things of Pinterest: Yumtastic Cupcakes

Melissa Bastow

Tags inspiration, recipes

Things of Pinterest: Yumtastic Cupcakes

I'm in a cupcake mood.  Because cupcakes are amazingly fun to look at and also delectably delicious.  And luckily Pinterest has lots of pictures of cupcakes to drool over.  Plus, they come with recipes and instructions, so, you know, YAY! How the how?!  I'm too intimidated to try this, so one of you needs to do it and then you need to tell me how hard it was.  Then I can really decide if I'm up to the heart in cupcake challenge. How cool are hi hat cupcakes?  Neeeeat-o.  And also it makes me think of Dairy Queen,...